About Straight Line Global…
“A Claims Solution Company You Can Trust.”
Straight Line Global and our professional team of Daily and CAT adjusters deliver fast and accurate residential and commercial claims services to Carriers, Third Party Administrators, Self Insured Entities and Government Organizations, nationwide.
At SLG, we are proud of our track record that includes measuring claims performance, collaborating with clients to identify multiple opportunities for operational improvement and cost reduction, executing the agreed upon plan, and demonstrating sustained performance improvement.
Our clients continue to be complimentary of our results that are driven by technology deployments, process improvements and customer services that are second to none.
As a recognized industry leader in accurate field reporting, SLG services are designed to: manage loss adjust expenses, increase indemnity accuracy, speed cycle times, reduce supplements, and provide industry proven proprietary technologies and confident results.
Policy Holders can be confident in SLG’s ability to accurately report all aspects of the loss details with timely, independent and unbiased claims reporting.